NAME -- All the sub-routines for getting and parsing input files (NOT involving SNV handling) in the ASARP pipeline.


	require "";

	# input arguments: $outputFile--output, 
	# $configs--input configuration file, $params--parameter file
	my ($outputFile, $configs, $params) = getArgs(@ARGV); 
	my ($snpF, $bedF, $rnaseqF, $xiaoF, $splicingF, $estF) = getRefFileConfig($configs);

	# read the transcript annotation file
	my $transRef = readTranscriptFile($xiaoF);
	#get alternative initiation/termination (AI/AT) events from transcripts
	my $altRef = getGeneAltTransEnds($transRef); 

	# get indices of gene transcript starts and gene names (prepared also for SNVs)
	my ($genesRef, $geneNamesRef) = getGeneIndex($transRef); 

	# read all annotations, optionally rna-seq and est, events and compile them
	my $allEventsListRef = readAllEvents($splicingF, $rnaseqF, $estF, $transRef, $geneNamesRef);
	my $splicingRef = compileGeneSplicingEvents($genesRef, values %$allEventsListRef);


This perl file contains all the sub-routines that handle the input arguments, read configuration files, and parse all the annotations and events that are input to be matched with SNVs to discover ASE/ASARP. SNVs are handled separately in snpParser.

After the processing shown above, the alternative processing events are in the form shown in the figure above, where SNVs (the red dot) will be matched and later Normalized Expression Values can be calculated (NEVs derived from the read counts in orange) to filter alternative patterns in snpParser.

Sub-routines (major)

These are the major (interface) sub-routines that will be used in correlation with SNVs in the whole pipeline. Read them one by one as they are quite procedural.

Utility subs

Utility sub-routines are implemented to get or display parsing annotations/events for intermediate usage or checking.

Parsing results are usually arranged in an internal data structure whose reference is returned.


asarp, snpParser, MyConstants


This pipeline is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it given that the related works and authors are cited and acknowledged.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Cyrus Tak-Ming CHAN

Xiao Lab, Department of Integrative Biology & Physiology, UCLA