Barney A. Schlinger
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology and
and Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Brain Research Institute, UCLA
Principle Research Interests:
Activational and organizational effects of steroid hormones on behavior
and neural function; steroid hormone processing by the central nervous
system and its role in neural development and control of behavior;
avian neuroethology and neuroendocrinology.
E-mail: schlinge@lifesci.ucla.edu
B.S., Biology, Tufts University, Medford, MA,.
M.A., Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA, May 1983.
Ph.D., Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA, January 1988.
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology and Laboratory
of Neuroendocrinology, Brain Research Institute, University of
California, Los Angeles.
Awards and Honors:
Frank A. Belamarich Dissertation Award, Department of Biology, Boston
University, 1988.
Frank Beach Award in Behavioral Endocrinology, Annual Meeting, Society
for Neuroscience, November, 1993
Selected for Distinguished Neuroscience Fellow Lecture Series sponsored
by the Brain Research Institute, UCLA
UCLA Dean's Marshall Award, Division of Life Sciences, for outstanding
achievement in research by an Assistant Professor, 1998 Alexander von
Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientist, 2003.
Distinguished Alumnus Special Talk, Boston University, Department of
Biology, 2004
UCLA Neuroscience Undergraduate Society 2005 "Most Concerned" Professor
Award, 2005
Positions Held:
Research Assistant, Manomet Bird Observatory, Manomet,
MA, October 1979 to October, 1980.
Visiting Lecturer, Experimental College, Tufts University, Medford, MA,
September to December, 1981.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology,UCLA, Feb.,
1988 to Feb., 1991.
Assistant Research Psychologist, Department of Psychology, UCLA; March
1, 1991 to June 30, 1993.
Assistant Professor, Department of Physiological Science, UCLA, July 1,
1993 to June 30, 1998.
Visiting Scientist, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama
City, Panama 1995 to present;
Associate Professor, Department of Physiological Science, UCLA, July 1,
1998 to 2002.
Professor, Department of Physiological Science, UCLA, 2002 to present.
Vice-Chairman, Department of Physiological Science, University of
California, Los Angeles, July 1, 1998 to present.
Courses Taught:
Tufts University Experimental College: Biology of
Whales and Dolphins
Tufts University Experimental College: Biology of Birds
UCLA Dept. of Physiological Science: Principles of Physiology
UCLA Dept. of Physiological Science: Comparative Endocrinology:
Molecular to BehavioralUCLA Graduate Interdepartmental Program in
Neuroscience Journal Club: "NS211C: How to Write a Grant, How to
Present a Seminar".
UCLA Dept. of Neurobiology and Physiological Science: PS227: Cellular,
Molecular and Functional Aspects of the Reproductive System.
UCLA Undergraduate Interdepartmental Program in Neuroscience: NS101C:
Molecules to Mind: Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
UCLA Marine Science Program, Marine Biology Field Course (OBEE163):
Marine Tetrapods