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PUBLICATIONS (*-denotes an undergraduate co-author)
- Wasserman, F.E., C. Dowd, B. Schlinger, D. Byman, S.P. Battista, and T.H. Kunz. 1984. Aversion/attraction of birds exposed to microwave irradiation. Physiology and Behavior 33:805-807.
- Wasserman, F.E., C. Dowd, B. Schlinger, T. Kunz, and S. Battista. 1984. The effects of microwave radiation on avian dominance behavior. Bioelectromagnetics 5:331-339.
- Wasserman, F.E., C. Dowd, D. Byman, B.A. Schlinger, S.P. Battista, and T.H. Kunz. 1985. Thermoregulatory behavior of birds in response to continuous wave 2.45 GHz microwave radiation. Physiological Zoology 58:80-90.
- Byman, D., F.E. Wasserman, B.A. Schlinger, S.P. Battista, and T.H Kunz. 1985. Thermoregulation of budgerigars exposed to microwaves (2.45 GHz, CW) during flight. Physiological Zoology 58:91-104.
- Schlinger, B.A. 1987. Plasma androgens and aggressiveness in captive winter White-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) Hormones and Behavior 21:203-210.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.V. Callard. 1987. A comparison of aromatase, 5a- and 5b-reductase in brain and pituitary of male and female Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). J. Exp. Zool. 242:171-180.
- Schlinger, B.A., B. Palter* and G.V. Callard. 1987. A method to quantify aggressiveness in Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica). Physiol. Behav. 40:343-348.
- Pasmanik, M., B.A. Schlinger and G.V. Callard. 1988. In Vivo steroid regulation of aromatase and 5a-reductase in Goldfish brain and pituitary. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 71:175-182.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.V. Callard. 1989. Aromatase in quail brain: correlations with aggressiveness. Endocrinology 124:437-443.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.V. Callard. 1989. Estrogen receptor in quail brain: A functional relationship to aromatase and aggressiveness. Biol. Reprod. 40:268-275.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.V. Callard. 1989. Localization of aromatase in synaptosomal and microsomal subfractions of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) brain. Neuroendocrinology 49:434-441.
- Schlinger, B.A., A. Fivizzani, and G.V. Callard. 1989. Aromatase, 5a- and 5b-reductase in brain, pituitary and skin of the sex-role reversed Wilson’s phalarope. J. Endocrinol. 122: 573-581.
- Schlinger, B.A. 1990. Song as part of high intensity aggressive interactions of wintering White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis). Condor. 92: 527-530.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.V. Callard. 1990. Aromatization mediates aggressive behavior in quail. Gen. Comp.Endocrinol. 79: 39-53.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.H. Adler. 1990. A nonparametric aid in identifying sex of cryptically dimorphic birds. Wilson Bulletin. 102: 545-550.
- Callard, G.V., B.A. Schlinger, and M. Pasmanik. 1990. Nonmammalian vertebrate models in studies of brain-steroid interactions In: Unconventional vertebrate models in endocrine research. Callard, I.P. and G.V. Callard (eds). J. Exp. Zool. Supplement. 4:6-16.
- Callard, G.V., B.A. Schlinger, M. Pasmanik and K. Corina. 1990. Aromatization and estrogen action in brain. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 342: 105-111.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.V. Callard. 1990. Aggressive behavior in birds: A model for steroid hormone action in brain. A Mini-Review Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 97A:307-316.
- Fivizzani, A.J., L.W. Oring, M.E. El-Halawani, and B.A. Schlinger. 1990. Hormonal basis of male parental care and female intrasexual competition in sex-role reversed birds. In Endocrinology of Birds: Molecular to Behavioral. Eds. M. Wada, G. Ishii and C. Scanes. Japan Scientific Society Press Tokyo/ Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Schlinger, B.A. and A.P. Arnold. 1991. Brain is the major site of estrogen synthesis in an adult male songbird. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 88:4191-4194.
- Schlinger, B.A. and A.P. Arnold. 1991. Androgen effects on sexual differentiation of the Zebra Finch song system. Brain Res. 561: 99-105.
- Schlinger, B.A. and G.V. Callard. Brain-Steroid Interactions and the Control of Aggressive Behavior in Birds. In: Neuroendocrine Perspectives, Vol. 9, R.M. MacLeod and E. Muller eds, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 1-43, 1991.
- Schlinger, B.A. and A.P. Arnold. 1992. Plasma steroids and tissue aromatization in hatchling Zebra Finches: Implications for the sexual differentiation of singing behavior. Endocrinology. 130: 289-299.
- Schlinger, B.A., R.H. Slotow and A.P. Arnold. 1992. Plasma estrogens and brain aromatase in winter white-crowned sparrows. Ornis Scandinavica 23: 292-297.
- Schlinger, B.A. and A.P. Arnold. 1992. Circulating estrogens in a male songbird originate in the brain. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.USA, 89: 7650-7653.
- Schlinger, B.A. and A.P. Arnold. 1993. Estrogen synthesis in vivo in the adult zebra finch: Additional evidence that circulating estrogens can originate in brain. Endocrinology. 133:2610-2616.
- Arnold, A.P. and B.A. Schlinger. 1993 Sexual differentiation of brain and behavior: the zebra finch is not just a flying rat. Brain Behav. Evol. 42:231-241.
- Arnold, A.P. and B.A. Schlinger. 1993. The puzzle of sexual differentiation of the brain and behavior in the zebra finch. Poultry Sci Revs. 5: 3-13.
- Wade, J., B.A. Schlinger, L. Hodges and A.P. Arnold. 1994. Fadrozole: A potent and specific inhibitor of aromatase in the zebra finch brain. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 94: 53-61.
- Shen, P., C.W. Campagnoni, K. Kampf, B.A. Schlinger, A.P. Arnold and A.T. Campagnoni. 1994. Isolation and characterization of a zebra finch aromatase cDNA: In Situ hybridization reveals high aromatase expression in brain. Mol. Brain Res. 24:227-237.
- Schlinger, B.A., S. Amur-Umarjee, P. Shen, A.T. Campagnoni and A.P. Arnold. 1994. Neuronal and non-neuronal aromatase in primary cultures of developing zebra finch telencephalon. J. Neuroscience. 14:7541-7552.
- Schlinger, B.A. 1994. Estrogens and song: Products of the songbird brain. BioScience 44:605-612.
- Schlinger, B.A. 1994. Estrogens to song: Picograms to sonograms. Horm. Behav. 28: 191-198.
- Schlinger B.A., S. Amur-Umarjee, A.T. Campagnoni, A.P. Arnold. 1995. 5b-reductase and other androgen metabolizing enzymes in primary cultures of developing zebra finch telencephalon. J. Neuroendocrinol. 7: 187-192.
- Wade, J., B.A. Schlinger and A.P. Arnold. 1995. Aromatase and 5b-reductase activity in cultures of developing zebra finch brain: An Investigation of sex and regional differences. J. Neurobio. 27: 240-251.
- Shen, P., B.A. Schlinger, A.T. Campagnoni and A.P. Arnold. 1995. An atlas of aromatase mRNA expression in the zebra finch brain. J. Comp. Neurology 360:172‑184.
- Schlinger, B.A. and A.P. Arnold. 1995. Estrogen synthesis and secretion by the songbird brain. In: Neurobiological Effects of Sex Steroid Hormones, eds. P.E. Micevych and R.P. Hammer, Jr., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Vanson, A., A.P. Arnold, B.A. Schlinger. 1996. 3b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/ isomerase and Aromatase Activity in Primary Cultures of Developing Zebra Finch Telencephalon: Dehydroepiandrosterone as Substrate for Synthesis of Androstenedione and Estrogens. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 102: 342-350.
- Kendrick, A. and B.A. Schlinger. 1996. Independent differentiation of sexual and social traits. Hormones and Behavior. 30: 600-610.
- Schlinger, B.A. 1997. Sex-steroids and their actions on the bird song system. Invited Review. Journal of Neurobiology. 35: 619-631.
- Grisham, W., A. Tam, C.M. Greco*, B.A. Schlinger and A.P. Arnold. 1997. A putative 5a- Reductase inhibitor demasculinizes portions of the zebra finch song system. Brain Research. 750: 122-128.
- Saldanha, C.J. and B.A. Schlinger. 1997. Estrogen synthesis and secretion in the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 105:390-401.
- Schlinger, B.A. 1997. The activity and expression of aromatase in songbirds. Brain Research Bulletin. 44: 359-364.
- Carlisle, H.J., Hales, T. G. and B.A. Schlinger. 1998. Characterization of Neuronal Zebra Finch GABAA Receptors. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 182: 531-538.
- Cam, V. and B.A. Schlinger. 1998. Activities of Aromatase and 3b-HSD in Whole Organ Cultures of Developing Zebra Finches. Hormones and Behavior 33: 31-39.
- Anagnostaras, S.G., S. Maren, B.A. Schlinger, J.P. DeCola, N.I. Lane, G.D. Gale and M.S. Fanselow. 1998. Testicular hormones do not regulate sexually-dimorphic pavlovian fear conditioning and perforant-path long-term potentiation in adult male rats. Behavioral Brain Research. 92: 1-9.
- Schlinger, B.A. 1998. Sexual differentiation of avian brain and behavior: Current views on gonadal hormone-dependent and independent mechanisms. Invited Review. Annual Review of Physiology 60:407-429.
- Saldanha, C.J. and Schlinger, B.A. 1998. Estrogen, Effects in Birds. In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction, Eds., Knobil, E, Neil, J.D., Academic Press, San Diego, Vol. 2, pp 93-100.
- Freking, F., C. Ramachandron and B.A. Schlinger. 1998. Regulation of aromatase, 5a – and 5b-reductase in primary cell cultures of developing zebra finch telencephalon. Journal of Neurobiology 36: 30-40.
- Saldanha, C.J., P. Popper, P. Micevych and B.A. Schlinger. 1998. The songbird hippocampus is a site of high aromatase: inter- and intra-species comparisons. Hormones and Behavior. 34: 85-97.
- Schlinger, B.A., N.I. Lane, W. Grisham and L.Thompson. 1999. Androgen synthesis in a songbird: A study of Cyp17 (17a-Hydroxylase/C17-20 Lyase) activity in the Zebra finch. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 113: 46-58.
- Schlinger, B.A., C. Greco* and A.H. Bass. 1999. Aromatase activity in hindbrain vocal control region: Divergence between “singing” and “sneaking” males. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: B. 266:131-136.
- Saldanha, C.J., N. S. Clayton and B.A. Schlinger. 1999. Androgen metabolism in the juvenile oscine forebrain: a cross-species analysis at neural sites implicated in memory formation. Journal of Neurobiology. 40: 397-406.
- Schultz, D. and B.A. Schlinger. 1999. Widespread accumulation of 3H-testosterone in the spinal cord of a wild bird with an elaborate courtship display. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 96: 10432-10436.
- Gong, A, F.W. Freking, B.A. Schlinger, A.P. Arnold and J. Wingfield. 1999. Pre-hatching inhibition of aromatase activity masculinizes syringeal and gonadal tissue but not the song system in zebra finch females. Gen. Comp. Endocrinology 115: 346-353.
- Soma, K,K,. R.K. Bindra, J. Gee, J.Wingfield and B.A. Schlinger. 1999. Androgen metabolizing enzymes show region-specific changes across the breeding season in the brain of a wild breeding song bird. J. Neurobio. 41: 176-188.
- Ramachandran, B, B.A. Schlinger, A.P. Arnold and A.T. Campagnoni. 1999. Zebra finch aromatase gene expression is regulated in the brain through an alternate promotor. Gene 240: 209-216.
- Saldanha, C.J., B. A. Schlinger and N.S. Clayton. 2000. Rapid effects of corticosterone on cache-recovery in Mountain chickadees (Parus gambeli). Hormones and Behavior 37: 109-115.
- Saldanha, C.J., M.J. Tuerk*, Y-H Kim, A.O. Fernandes, A.P. Arnold and B.A. Schlinger. 2000. The distribution and regulation of aromatase expression in the zebra finch revealed with a specific antibody. Journal of Comparative Neurology 423: 619-630.
- Freking, F., T. Nazairians* and B.A. Schlinger. 2000. The expression of the sex steroid synthesizing enzymes CYP11A1, 3b-HSD and CYP17 in the gonads and adrenals of an adult and developing songbird. Gen.Comp. Endocrinology 119:140-151.
- Soma, K.K., C.J. Saldanha, B.A. Schlinger and J.Wingfield. 2000. Acute and chronic effects of an aromatase inhibitor on territorial aggression in breeding and nonbreeding male song sparrows. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 186: 759-769.
- Saldanha, C.J., J. D. Schultz, S.E. London and B.A. Schlinger. 2000. Telencephalic aromatase, but not a song system, in a sub-oscine passerine, the golden collared manakin (Manacus vitellinus). Brain, Behavior and Evolution 56: 29-37.
- Thompson, B.E., F. Freking, V. Pho, B.A. Schlinger and J.A. Cherry. 2000. Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase in zebra finch: distribution, cloning and characterization of a PDE4B homolog. Molecular Brain Research. 83: 94-106.
- Peterson, R.S., C.J. Saldanha and B.A. Schlinger. 2001. Rapid upregulation of aromatase mRNA and protein following neural injury in the zebra finch (Taenopygia guttata). J Neuroendocrinology 13:317-323.
- Schlinger, B.A., Schultz, J.D. and F. Hertel. 2001. Neuromuscular and endocrine control of an avian courtship behavior. Hormones and Behavior 40: 276-280.
- Schultz, J.D, F. Hertel, M. Bausch* and B.A. Schlinger. 2001. Adaptations for rapid and forceful contraction in wing muscles of the male Golden-collared manakin: Sex and species comparisons. J Comp Physiology A.187:677-684.
- Tsutsui, K. and B.A. Schlinger. 2001. Steroidogenesis in the avian brain. In Avian Endocrinology, Eds. A. Dawson and C.M. Chaturvedi., pp.59-77. Narosa Publishing, New Delhi, India.
- Schlinger, B.A., Soma, K., and Saldanha, C. 2001. Perspectives in Ornithology: Advances in avian behavioral endocrinology. The Auk. 118:283-289.
- Schlinger, B.A., K.K. Soma and S. London. 2001. Neurosteroids and brain sexual differentiation. Trends in Neuroscience. 24: 429-431.
- Schlinger, B.A. and E. Brenowitz. 2002. Neural and Hormonal Control of Birdsong. In Hormones, Brain and Behavior, D. Pfaff, Ed.Vol. 2, pp 799-839.
- Trainor, B.C., I.M. Bird, N.A. Alday, B.A. Schlinger and C.A. Marler. 2003. Variation in aromatase activity in the medial preoptic area and plasma progesterone is associated with the onset of paternal behavior. Neuroendocrinology 78: 36-44.Soma, K., B.A. Schlinger, J.C. Wingfield and C.J. Saldanha. 2003. Brain aromatase, 5a- and 5b-reductase change seasonally in wild male song sparrows: relationship to territorial aggression. J. Neurobio. 56: 209-221.
- London, S.E., J. Boulter and B.A. Schlinger. 2003. Cloning of the androgen synthetic enzyme CYP17 in the Zebra Finch: A study of its neural expression throughout development. J. Comp. Neurol. 467: 496-508.
- Saldanha, C.J., Schlinger, B.A. Micevych, P.E. and T.L. Horvath. 2004. Pre-synaptic NMDA-receptor expression is increased by estradiol in an aromatase-rich area of the zebra finch hippocampus. J. Comp. Neurol. 469: 522-534.
- Soma, K.K., N.A. Alday and B. A. Schlinger. 2004. DHEA Metabolism by 3B-HSD in Adult Zebra Finch Brain: Sex Difference and Rapid Effect of Stress. Endocrinology 145: 1668-1677.
- Oberlander, J.G., B.A. Schlinger, N.S. Clayton and C.J. Saldanha. 2004. Neural aromatization accelerates the acquisition of spatial memory via an influence on the songbird hippocampus. Horm Behav 45: 250-258.
- Peterson, R.S., D.W. Lee, G. Fernando, and B.A. Schlinger. 2004 Radial glia express aromatase in the injured zebra finch brain. J. Comp. Neurol. 480: 261-269.
- Soma, K.K., K. Sinchak, A. Lakhter, B.A. Schlinger and P.E. Micevych. 2005. Neurosteroids and female reproduction: Estrogen increases 3b-HSD mRNA and Activity in rat hypothalamus. Endocrinology. 146: 4386-4390.
- Schlinger, B.A. 2005. Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Evolving: Contributions of Comparative and Field Studies. Introduction to Special Issue. Hormones and Behavior, 48: 349-351.
- Peterson, R.S., Yarram, L., Schlinger, B.A. and C.J. Saldanha. 2005. Aromatase is Presynaptic and Sexually-Dimorphic in the Adult Zebra Finch Brain. Proc Roy Soc Lond. B. 272: 2089-2096.
- Day, L.B., J.T. McBroom and B.A. Schlinger. 2006. Testosterone increases display behaviors but does not stimulate growth of adult plumage in male Golden-collared manakins. Hormones and Behavior 49: 223-232.
- London SE, A. Monks, J. Wade and B.A. Schlinger. 2006. Widespread capacity for steroid synthesis within the avian brain and song system. Endocrinology 147: 5975-5987.
- Schlinger, B.A. and C.J. Saldanha. 2006. Songbirds: A Novel Perspective on Estrogens and the Aging Brain. AGE 27:287-296.
- Schlinger, B.A., K.K. Soma and S.E. London. 2006. Integrating Steroid Synthesis with Steroid Action: Multiple Mechanisms in Birds. Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(Supplement): 238-241.
- Schlinger, B.A. and S.E. London. 2006. Neurosteroids and the songbird model system. J Exp Zool A 305: 743-8
- Forlano, P., B.A. Schlinger and A. Bass. 2006. Brain Aromatase: New lessons from non-mammalian model systems. Front. Neuroendocrinol. 27:247-274.
- Schlinger, B.A., D.S. Pradham, K.K. Soma. 2007. 3b-HSD activates DHEA in the songbird brain. Neurochem. Internat. 52: 611-620.
- Day, L.B., L. Fusani, E. Hernandez, P.M. Wise and B.A. Schlinger. 2007. Testosterone and its effects on courtship in Golden-collared manakins: seasonal, sex and age differences. Hormones and Behavior 51:62-68.
- Fusani, L., V. Canoine, L. Day, D. Reineman* and B.A. Schlinger. 2007. Androgen and the elaborate courtship behavior of a tropical lekking bird. Hormones and Behavior 51:69-76.
- Tam H and B.A. Schlinger. 2007. Activities of 3b-HSD and aromatase in slices of the adult and developing zebra finch brain. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 150:26-33.
- Rohman, K.N., B.A. Schlinger and C.J. Saldanha. 2007. The subcellular compartmentalization of aromatase is sexually dimorphic in the adult zebra finch brain. J. Neurobio. 67:1-9.
- Canoine, V., L. Fusani, B. Schlinger and M. Hau. 2007. Low sex steroids, high steroid receptors: Increasing the sensitivity of the non-reproductive brain. Dev. Neurobio. 67: 57-67.
- London, S.E. and B.A. Schlinger. 2007. Steroidogenic Enzymes along the Ventricular Proliferative Zone in the Developing Songbird Brain. J. Comp. Neurol. 502:507-521.
- Lee, D.W., Fernando, G., Peterson, R.S., Allen, T.A., and Schlinger, B.A. 2007. Estrogen mediation of injury-induced cell birth in neuroproliferative regions of the adult zebra finch brain. Dev. Neurobio. 67: 1107-17.
- Fusani, L., M. Giordano, L. Day and B.A. Schlinger. 2007. High-speed video analysis reveals individual differences in the courtship display of male golden-collared manakins. Ethology 113: 964-972.
- Peterson RS, Fernando G, Day L, Allen TA, Chapleau JD, Menjivar J, Schlinger BA, Lee DW. 2007 Aromatase Expression and Cell Proliferation Following Injury of the Adult Zebra Finch Hippocampus. Dev. Neurobio. 67:1867-78.
- Wacker, D. B.A. Schlinger and J.C. Wingfield. 2008. Combined effects of DHEA and fadrozole on non-breeding male song sparrow aggression and neural VIP immunoreactivity. Horm. Behav. 53:287-94
- Day, L.B., Guerra, M.*, Schlinger, B.A. and S. Rothstein. 2008. Sex differences in the effects of captivity on hippocampus size in brown-headed cowbirds. Behav. Neurosci. 122:527-534.
- Katz, A., A. Mirzatoni, Zhen,Y.*and B.A. Schlinger. 2008. Sex differences in Cell Proliferation and Glucocorticoid Responsiveness in the Zebra Finch Brain (Taeniopygia guttata). Eur. J. Neurosci. 28:99-106.
- Remage-Healey, L., N. T. Maidment and B.A. Schlinger. 2008. Forebrain steroid levels fluctuate rapidly during social interactions. Nature Neuroscience 11:1327-1334.
- Saldanha, C.J. and B. A. Schlinger. 2008. Neurosteroidogenesis and neuroplasticity in songbirds. In: Neuroactive Steroids in Brain: From Experiments to Psychopathology and Treatment. MS Ritsner and AWeizmann Eds, Springer-Verlag.
- Schlinger, B.A., L. Day, L. Fusani. 2008. Hormonal control of courtship in the Golden-collared manakin. Ornitología Neotropical, 19 (Suppl) 229-240.
- Schlinger, B.A., L.B. Day and L. Fusani. 2008. Behavior, natural history and neuroendocrinology of a tropical bird. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 157:254-258.
- Remage-Healey, L., R. Oyama* and B.A. Schlinger. 2009. Elevated aromatase activity in forebrain synaptic terminals during song. J. Neuroendocrinol. 21:191-199.
- Spence, R., Y. Zhen, S.A*. White, B.A. Schlinger and L.B. Day. 2009. Recovery of motor and cognitive function after cerebellar lesions in a songbird: role of estrogens. Eur. J. Neurosci. 29: 1225-124
- Salwizcek, L.H., Emery, N.J., Schlinger, B.A. and N.S. Clayton. 2009. Development of object permanence and caching in Western scrub jays (Aphelocoma californica): Which emerges first? J. Comp. Psych. 123:295-303.
- Schlinger, B.A. and E.A. Brenowitz. 2009. Neural and hormonal control of birdsong. Hormones, Brain and Behavior. Pfaff et al., eds. 2nd Edition.
- London, S.E., Remage-Healey, L, B.A. Schlinger. 2009. Neurosteroid Production in the Songbird Brain: A re-evaluation of core principles. Front. Neuroendocrinology. 30: 302-314.
- Künstner, A., Wolf, J.B.W., Backström, N., Whitney, O., Balakrishnan, C., Day, L., Edwards, S.V., Janes, D.E., Schlinger, B.A., Wilson, R.K., Jarvis, E., Warren, W.C and Ellegren, H. 2010. Comparative genomics based on massive parallel transcriptome sequencing reveals patterns of substitution and selection across 10 bird species. Molecular Ecology 19: Suppl 1:266-76.
- Feng, N.*, A. Katz, L. Day, J. Barske and B.A. Schlinger. 2010. Limb muscles are androgen targets in an acrobatic tropical bird. Endocrinology, 151: 1042-1049 (highlighted in Endocrine News, Feb, 2010).
- Remage-Healey, L., M.J. Coleman, R.K. Oyama* and B.A. Schlinger. 2010. Brain estrogens rapidly strengthen auditory encoding and guide song preference in a songbird. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 107: 3852-3857.
- Pradhan, D.S., A.E.M. Newman, D.W. Wacker, J.C. Wingfield, B.A. Schlinger, and K.K. Soma. 2010. Aggressive interactions rapidly increase androgen synthesis in the brain during the non-breeding season. Horm. Behav. 57: 381-389 (Cover and subject of Commentary article).
- Katz, A., R. Oyama*, X. Chen* and B.A. Schlinger. 2010. 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in the zebra finch brain and peripheral tissues. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 166:600-605.
- London, S.E. Yuichiro, I., Lance*, V.A., Wise, P.M. Ekanayake, P.S*. Oyama, R.K*. Arnold A.P. and B. A. Schlinger. 2010. Neural expression and post-transcriptional dosage compensation of the steroid metabolic enzyme 17 beta-HSD type 4. BMC Neuroscience. 11: 47.
- Mirzatoni, A., Dong, S.M., M. Guerra*, Zhen, Y*., Katz, A. and Schlinger, B.A. 2010. Steroidal and gonadal effects on neural cell proliferation in vitro in an adult songbird. Brain Res.1351: 41-49.
- Mirzatoni, A. Spence, R.D. Naranjo, K.C., Saldanha, C.J., Schlinger, B.A. 2010. Injury-Induced Regulation of Steroidogenic Gene Expression in the Cerebellum. J. Neurotrauma. 27: 1875-82.
- Remage-Healey, L., S.E. London, B.A. Schlinger. 2010. Birdsong and the neural production of steroids. J. Chem. Neuroanat. 39: 72-81.
- Saldanha, C.J., Remage-Healey, L., Schlinger, B.A. 2011. Synaptocrine Signaling: steroid synthesis and action at the synapse. Endocrine Revs. 32:532 – 549
- Remage-Healey, L., Saldanha, C.J. and B.A. Schlinger. 2011. Estradiol synthesis and action at the synapse: evidence for ‘synaptocrine’ signaling. Invited Review. Front. Neuroendo. Sci., 2:28 doi:10.3389/fendo.2011.00028
- Day, L.B., Fusani, L., Kim, C.*and B.A. Schlinger. 2011. Sexually Dimorphic Neural Phenotypes in Golden-Collared Manakins (Manacus vitellinus). Brain, Behav. Evol. 77: 206-218.
- Barske J., Schlinger B.A., Wikelski M., Fusani L. Female choice for male motor skills. 2011. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 278: 3523-3528.
- Remage-Healey, L., Dong, S.*, Maidment, N., and B.A. Schlinger. 2011. Presynaptic Control of Rapid Estrogen Fluctuations in the Songbird Auditory Forebrain. J. Neurosci. 31:10034 –10038.
- Chao, A.*, B.A. Schlinger and L. Remage-Healey. 2011. Combined liquid and solid-phase extraction improves quantification of neuroestrogen levels in songbird brain. Front. Neuroanat, 5:57 – 63.
- Schlinger, B.A., Carruth, L., Xu, J. and G.J. deVries. 2011. State-of-the Art (Arnold) Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (A Tribute to Art Arnold upon his receipt of the Daniel S. Lehrman award for Lifetime Achievement in Behavioral Endocrinology). Hormones and Behavior 60: 1-3.
- Schlinger, B.A and L. Remage-Healey. 2012. Neurosteroidogenesis: Insights from studies of songbirds. Invited review. J Neuroendo.24: 6-21.
- Fusani, L. and B.A. Schlinger. 2012. Proximate and ultimate causes of courtship behavior in male golden collared manakins. Invited Review. J. Ornithol. 153: 119-124.
- Coccon, F., B.A. Schlinger and L. Fusani. 2012. Male manakins do not adapt their courtship display to spatial alteration of their court. Ibis, 154: 173-176.
- Remage-Healey, L., Dong, S.M.*, Chao A.*, and B. A. Schlinger. 2012. Sex-specific, rapid neuroestrogen fluctuations and actions in the songbird auditory forebrain. J. Neurophys. 107:1621-31 (Cover).
- Rosvall, K. A., C. M. Bergeon Burns, J. Barske, J. L. Goodson, D. Sengelaub, B. A. Schlinger, and E. D. Ketterson. 2012. Neural sensitivity to sex steroids predicts individual differences in aggression: implications for behavioral evolution. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond- B. 279:3547-55.
- Fuxjager, M.J.,Schultz, J.D., Barske, J., Feng*, N.Y.,Fusani, L., Mirzatoni, A.,Day, L.B., Hau, M. and B.A. Schlinger. 2012. Spinal motor and sensory neurons are androgen targets in an acrobatic bird. Endocrinology. 153(8):3780-91. (highlighted in Endocrine News, July, 2012).
- Fuxjager, M. J. Barske, S. Du, L.B. Day and B. A. Schlinger. 2012. Androgens regulate gene expression in avian skeletal muscles. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51482.
- doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051482
- Parchman, T.L., Gompert, Z., Zhang, G., Braun, M.J., Brumfield, R., McDonald, D.B., Uy, A., Jarvis, E.D., Schlinger, B.A. and C. A. Buerkle. 2013. The genomic consequences of adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation between species of manakins. Molecular Ecology 22: 3304-3317.
- Saldanha, C.J., L. Remage-Healey and B. A. Schlinger. 2013. Neuroanatomical distribution of aromatase in birds: cellular and subcellular analyses. In: Brain Aromatase, Estrogens and Behavior. J. Balthazart and G.F. Ball, eds., pps 100-114.
- Schlinger, B.A. and J. Balthazart. 2013. Aromatase and behavior: concepts gained from studies of aromatase in the avian brain. In: Brain Aromatase, Estrogens and Behavior. J. Balthazart and G.F. Ball, eds., pps 169-198.
- Schlinger, B.A., J. Barske, L. Day, L. Fusani and M.J. Fuxjager. 2013. Hormones and the neuromuscular control of courtship in the Golden-collared manakin (Manacus vitellinus). Invited Review. Front. Neuroendocrinol. 34: 143–156.
- Rensel, M.A., Salwiczek, L., Roth, J.*, Schlinger, B.A. 2013. Context-Specific Effects of Estradiol on Spatial Learning and Memory in the Zebra Finch. Neurobio. Learn Mem, 100: 41-47.
- Kültz, D., Clayton, D.F., Robinson, G.E., Albertson, C., Carey, H.V., Cummings, M.E., Dewar, K., Edwards, S.V., Hofmann, H.A., Gross, J., Kingsolver, J.G., Meaney, M.J., Schlinger, B.A., Shingleton, A.W., Sokolowski, M.B., Somero, G.N., Stanzione, D.C.,and A.E.Todgham. New frontiers for organismal biology. 2013. BioScience. 63: 464-471.
- Fuxjager, M., K. Longpre, J. Chew*, L. Fusani and B.A. Schlinger. 2013. Peripheral androgen receptors sustain the acrobatics and fine motor skill of elaborate male courtship. Endocrinology 154: 3168-3177.
- Barske, J., Fusani L., Wikelski M., Feng N., Santos M., Schlinger B.A. 2013. Energetics of courtship of Golden-collared manakins (Manacus vitellinus). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond- B. Dec 18;281(1776):20132482. doi
- Ikeda, M., M.A. Rensel, B.A. Schlinger and L. Remage-Healey. 2014. In vivo detection of fluctuating brain steroid levels. Zebra Finch, Emerging Organisms Series, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 1267-1272; doi:10.1101/pdb.prot084616
- Fuxjager, MJ, J.B. Heston and B.A. Schlinger. 2014. Peripheral androgen action helps modulate vocal production in a suboscine passerine. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 131: 327-334.
- Rensel, M., Comito, D. Kosarussavadi, S*. and B.A. Schlinger. 2014. Region-Specific Neural Corticosterone Patterns Differ From Plasma in a Male Songbird. Endocrinology 155: 3572-3581.
- Fusani, L., Donaldson, Z.*, London, S.E., Mirzatoni, A., Fuxjager, M.J. and B.A. Schlinger. 2014. Androgen receptor expression in brain of a sub-oscine bird with an elaborate courtship display. Neurosci. Letts. 578: 61-65.
- Schlinger, B.A., L. Remage-Healey and M. Rensel. 2014. Establishing Regional Specificity of Neuroestrogen Action. Invited Review. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 205: 235-241.
- Fusani, L., J. Barske, L.B. Day, M.J. Fuxjager and B.A. Schlinger. 2014. Sexual selection for male acrobatics in golden-collared manakins: female choice for neuromuscular skills. Neurosci. Biobehav. Revs. 46: 534-546.
- Schlinger, B.A. 2015. Steroids in the Avian Brain: Heterogeneity across Space and Time. J. Ornithol. 156 (suppl): 419-424.
- Fuxjager, M.J., J. Eaton*, W.R Lindsay, L.H Salwiczek, M.A Rensel, J. Barske, L.B Day and B.A Schlinger. 2015. Evolutionary patterns of adaptive acrobatics and physical performance predict expression profiles of androgen receptor – but not estrogen receptor – in the forelimb musculature. Funct. Ecol. 29, 1197–1208. [Highlighted with a lead Spotlight article: Sewall, K.B. 2015. Androgen receptor expression could contribute to the honesty of a sexual signal and be the basis of species differences in courtship displays. Funct. Ecol. 29: 1111-1113.]
- Barske J., B.A. Schlinger and L. Fusani. 2015. The presence of a female influences courtship performance of male manakins. The Auk: Ornithol. Advs. 132: 594-603.
- Rensel, M., B.A. Schlinger. 2016. Determinants and Significance of Corticosterone Regulation in the Songbird Brain. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 227:136-42.
- Fuxjager, M.J. and B.A. Schlinger. 2015. Perspectives on the evolution of animal dancing: A case study of manakins. Invited Rev. Curr. Opin. Behav. Sci. 6: 7-12.
- Rensel, M., J.M. Ellis, B Harvey*, B.A Schlinger. 2015. Sex, Estradiol, and Spatial Memory in a Food-Caching Corvid. Horm. Behav. 75: 45-54.
- Comito, D., Pradhan, D., Karleen, B. and B.A. Schlinger. 2016. Region-Specific Rapid Regulation of Aromatase Activity in Zebra Finch Brain. J. Neurochem. 136: 1177-1185.
- M.J. Fuxjager#, J-H., Lee#, T-M., Chan, J. H. Bahn, J.G. Chew*, X.Xiao‡, and Barney A. Schlinger‡. 2016. Hormones, Genes, and Athleticism: Effect of Androgens on the Avian
- Muscular Transcriptome. Mol Endocrinology, 30: 254-71.
- Logan, C., Harvey, B*, Schlinger, B.A., Rensel, M. 2016. Western scrub-jays do not appear to attend to functionality in Aesop’s Fable experiments. PeerJ, eb 23;4:e1707. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1707.
- Bodony, D.J, Kharon, Aharon, Swenson, G.W., Wikelski, M., Day, L., Fusani, L., Friscia, A and B.A. Schlinger. 2016. Determination of the wingsnap sonation mechanism of the Golden-Collared Manakin (Manacus vitellinus). J. Exp. Biol. 219: 1524-1534.
- Friscia, A., Sanin, G.D., Lindsay, W.R., Day, L.B., Schlinger, B.A., Tan, J. and Fuxjager, M.J. 2016. Adaptive evolution of the avian forearm skeleton to support acrobatic display behavior. J. Morph. 277:766-75.
- Fuxjager, M., Schuppe, E., Hoang; J.*, Chew, J*., Shah, M.*, and B.A. Schlinger 2016. Expression of 5α- and 5β-reductase in spinal cord and muscle of birds with different courtship repertoires. Front. Zoology, 13:25. doi: 10.1186/s12983-016-0156-y.
- Schlinger, B.A., Brenowitz, E.A. 2017. Neural and Hormonal Control of Birdsong. In: Pfaff, D.W and Joëls, M. (eds), Hormones, Brain, and Behavior 3rd edition, Vol 2 Oxford: Academic Press; pp. 255–290.
- Chiver, I. and B.A. Schlinger. 2017. Sex differences in androgen activation of complex courtship behavior. Anim. Behav., 124: 109-117. (Highlighted by a NY Times feature, 1/20/17)
- Chiver, I. and B.A. Schlinger. 2017. Clearing up the court: sex and the endocrine basis of display-court manipulation. Anim Behav, 131: 115-121 (Highlighted by AAAS Eurekalert).
- Eaton, J., Pradhan, D.S, Barske, J., Fusani, L., Canoine, V. and B.A. Schlinger. 2017. 3b-HSD expression in the CNS of a Manakin and Finch. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 256:43-49.
- Fuxjager, M.J., Miller Ligon, R., Fusani, L., Goller, F., Trost, L., Ter Maat, A., Gahr, M., Chiver, I., Chew, J* and B.A. Schlinger. 2017. Neuromuscular mechanisms of an elaborate wing display in the golden-collared manakin (Manacus vitellinus). J. Exp. Biol. 220: 4681-4688.
- Kosarussavadi, S., Pennington, Z. and B.A. Schlinger. 2017. Across Sex and Age: Learning and Memory and Patterns of Avian Hippocampal Gene Expression. Behav. Neurosci. 131: 483-491.
- Schlinger, B.A. 2018. Hormonal Control of Behavior: Novel Mechanisms and Model Organisms. J. Comp. Physiol-A. 204:1–3 (Cover).
- Fuxjager, M., Miles, M.C. and B.A. Schlinger. 2018. Evolution of the androgen-induced male phenotype. J. Comp. Phys-A. 204: 81-92.
- Rensel, M.A., Ding, J.A.* and B.A. Schlinger. 2018. 11b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Types 1 and 2 in the Songbird brain. Front Endocrinol Mar 12;9:86. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00086
- Schlinger, B.A., Paul, K., Monks, D.A. 2018. Muscle, a Conduit to Brain for Hormonal Control of Behavior. Horm Behav. 105: 58-65.
- Schlinger, B.A., Chiver, I., Fuxjager, M. 2019. Hormonal and Neuromuscular
- Regulation of Courtship Displays. In: Choe, J.C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior,
- (2nd ed.). vol. 2, pp. 428–440. Elsevier, Academic Press.
- Barske, J., Eghbali, M., Kosarussavadi, S., Choi, E.* and B. A. Schlinger. 2019. The Heart of an Acrobatic Bird. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. 228: 9-17.
- Pradhan, D.S., Chunqi, M., Schlinger, B.A., Soma, K.K., and M. Ramenofsky. 2019. Preparing to migrate: Differential expression of androgen signaling and IGF-1 in muscles of a long-distance migrant. J. Comp. Physiol.-A. 205: 113-123.
- Chiver, I. and B.A. Schlinger. 2019. Sex-specific effects of testosterone on vocal output in a tropical sub-oscine bird. Anim. Behav. 148: 105-112.
- Pradhan, D.S., Van Ness, R.*, Chunqi, M., Jalabert, C., Hamden, J.E., Soma, K.K., Ramenofsky, M. and B.A. Schlinger, B.A. 2019. Phenotypic flexibility of glucocorticoid signaling in skeletal muscles of a songbird preparing to migrate. Horm. Behav. 116, 104586.
- Schlinger, B.A. 2020. Multidisciplinary Science and the Growth and Future of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology: A Perspective. Invited for 50th Anniversary Special Issue. Horm. Behav. 118: 104618.
- Rensel, M.A. and B.A. Schlinger. 2020. The stressed brain: regional and stress-related corticosterone and an investigation of central stress-regulated gene expression in the adult zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). J. Neuroendocrinol. 2020;32:e12852.
- Feng, Stiller, Deng, Armstrong.. (Schlinger) et al. Paten & Zhang (140 authors). 2020. Densely sampling genomes across the diversity of birds increases power of comparative genomics analyses. Nature 587:252-257.
- Rensel, M. and B.A. Schlinger. 2021. 11ß Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases Regulate Circulating Glucocorticoids but Not Central Gene Expression in a Songbird. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 305: 1-10. 113734.
- Schlinger, B.A. and I. Chiver. 2021. Behavioral Sex Differences and Hormonal Control in a Bird with an Elaborate Courtship Display. Integ. Comp. Biol. 61:1319-1328.
- Fuxjager, M., Fusani, L. and B.A. Schlinger. 2022. Physiological innovation as a basis for courtship behavior. Anim. Behav. 184: 185-195.
- Schlinger, B.A., Remage-Healey, L., Saldanha, C.J. 2022. The form, function, and evolutionary significance of neural aromatization. Front. Neuroendo. 64: 100969.
- Schlinger, B.A. “Art Arnold” 2022. Invited Chapter for book entitled Biographical History of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Z.Weil and R.J. Nelson, eds. Springer.
- Pease, J.B., Driver, R.J., de la Cerda, D., Day, L.B. Lindsay, W.R., Schlinger, B.A., Schuppe, E.R., Balakrishnan, C.N., Fuxjager, M.J. 2022. Layered evolution of gene expression in superfast muscles for courtship. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 119: No. 14 e2119671119
- He, J., Fu, T., Zhang, L., Gao, L.W., Rensel, M., Remage-Healey, L., White, S.A., Gedman, G., Whitelegge, J., Xiao, X., Schlinger, B.A. 2022. Improved Zebra Finch Brain Transcriptome identifies novel proteins with sex differences. Gene, 15;843:146803. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2022.146803.
- Barske, J., Fuxjager, M., Schlinger, B.A. Billo, T., Fusani, L. 2023. Beyond plumage: Acrobatic courtship displays show intermediate patterns in manakin hybrids. Anim. Behav. In Press.
- Fuxjager, M.J., Ryder, T.B., Alfonso, C., Balakrishnan, C.N., Barske, J., Bosholn, M., Boyle, W.A., Braun, E.L., Chiver, I., Dakin, R., Day, L., Driver, R., Fusani, L., Horton, B., Wollman, R., Kimball, R.T. Lipshutz, S., Mello, C., Miles, M.C., Miller, E., Moore, I. Posada, G.C., Vernasco, B., Webster, M., Wirthlin, M. and Schlinger, B.A.. 2023. Physiological regulatory networks and the evolution of the integrated behavioral phenotype. Horm. Behav. In Press.
- Vitousek, M., Dantzer, B., Fuxjager, M. Schlinger, B.A. Evolutionary behavioral nndocrinology. Horm. Behav. In Press.
- Schlinger, B.A. “The WINGSNAPPERS Lessons from an Exuberant Tropical Bird”, Yale University Press. In Press
Submitted Papers
- Putman, B.J., Rensel, M., Schlinger, B.A., French, S., Blumstein, D.T., Pauly, G.B. Does Fear Filter Lizards from Urban Areas? Contrasting Responses to Human Disturbance in Two Lizard Species.
Additional Publications (+lab)
- Schlinger, B.A. 1985. Ecological Sampling in Principles of Biology 1: Laboratory Manual. ed. E.A. Godrick. Ginn Press, Lexington.
- Schlinger, B.A., F. Wasserman and J. Traniello. 1985. Communication by Visual Signals in Principles of Biology 1: Laboratory Manual. ed. E.A. Godrick. Ginn Press, Lexington.
- Feng, N*. 2008. Muscles are targets of androgen action in a tropical bird with an elaborate courtship display. UCLA Undergraduate Science Journal 21: 63-69.
- Schlinger, B.A. and L. Remage-Healey. 2009 Scientific scholarship requires a vertebrate-wide perspective. Comment on: Wu et al., 2009 “Estrogen masculinizes neural pathways and sex specific behaviors.” Cell – Comments
- Zhang, G., Li, B., Li, C., Gilbert, M.T.P., Schlinger, B., Jarvis, E.D., & Wang, J. (2014). The Avian Genome Consortium- Genomic data of the Golden-collared Manakin (Manacus vitellinus). GigaScience Database. http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/101010.
- Micevych. P.E., Arnold, A.P., Schlinger, B.A. 2022. In Memoriam, Roger A. Gorski (1935–2021). Front. Neuroendo. 64: 64: 100969.
- Bentley, Q.E., Kriegsfeld, L.J., Schlinger, B.A., Ukena, K. 2022. In Fond Memory of Professor Kazuyoshi Tsutsui (1952-2021). Front. Neuroendo. In Press.