
Michelle Rensel Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology
and Laboratory of Neuroendocrinoloy, Brain Research Institute, UCLA
Principle Research
My research broadly focuses on the mechanisms by which steroid hormones
influence the brain and behavior. I am particularly interested in how
corticosterone levels in the hippocampus mediate the formation and
retention of spatial memory in songbirds. My current work utilizes in
vivo microdialysis to obtain real-time measurements of corticosterone
in the avian hippocampus while the animal is awake and performing a
spatial memory task.
2010 Ph.D. The University of Memphis,
Memphis, TN. Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Stephan Schoech
2005 B.S. The University of Puget Sound,
Tacoma, WA.
Schoech, S.J., Rensel,
M.A. and Wilcoxen, T.E. 2012. Here today, not
gone tomorrow: long-term effects of corticosterone. Proceedings of the
International Ornithological Congress, J. Ornithology 149.
153 (S1):
Wilcoxen, T.E., Boughton, R.K., Bridge, E.S., Rensel, M.A. and
S.J. 2011.
Age-related differences in baseline and stress-induced corticosterone
in Florida scrub-jays. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 173: 461-466.
Schoech, S.J., Rensel,
M.A. and Heiss, R.S. 2011. Short- and long-term
effects of
developmental corticosterone exposure on avian physiology, behavioral
phenotype, cognition, and fitness – a review. Current Zoology 57:
Rensel, M.A.
and Schoech, S.J. 2011. Repeatability of baseline and
corticosterone levels across early life stages in the Florida Scrub-Jay
(Aphelocoma coerulescens).
Hormones and
Behavior 59: 497-502.
Rensel, M.A.,
Wilcoxen, T.E. and Schoech, S.J. 2011. Corticosterone,
hatch order, and brood size in free-living Florida scrub-jay
(Aphelocoma coerulescens) nestlings. General and Comparative
Endocrinology 171: 197-202.
Wilcoxen, T.E., Bridge, E.S., Boughton, R.K., Rensel, M.A.,
S.J. and Schoech, S.J. 2011. Parental, social, and environmental
factors associated with hatching failure in Florida Scrub-Jays. Ibis
153: 70-77.
Morgan, G.M., Boughton, R.K.,
Rensel, M.A. and Schoech, S.J. 2010. Road
effects on food
availability and energetic intake in Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma
coerulescens). The
Auk 127: 581-589.
Rensel, M.A.,*
Wilcoxen, T.E.* and Schoech, S.J. 2010. The influence of
female nest
attendance and paternal provisioning on nestling stress physiology in
the Florida scrub-jay. Hormones
and Behavior 57: 162-168. * denotes
co-first authors
Rensel, M.A.,
Boughton, R.K. and Schoech, S.J. 2010. Development of the
adrenal stress
response in the Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens). General
and Comparative Endocrinology 165: 255-261.
Schoech, S.J. and Rensel,
M.A. 2009. Environment, glucocorticoids, and
the timing of
reproduction. General
and Comparative Endocrinology 163:
Schoech, S.J., Bowman, R., Bridge, E.S., Morgan, G.M., Rensel, M.A.,
Wilcoxen, T.W. and
Boughton, R.K. 2007. Corticosterone administration does not affect
timing of breeding in Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens).
Hormones and Behavior 52: 191-196.