Kiran K. Soma Post-doctoral trainee, Department of Physiological Science, Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, UCLA Principle Research Interests: E-mail: kiran@physci.ucla.edu, somakiran@hotmail.com Education: Awards and Honors: Selected Publications: Soma KK, Francis RC, Wingfield JC & Fernald RD (1996) Androgen regulation
of hypothalamic neurons containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone in
a cichlid fish: integration with social cues. Hormones and Behavior
30: 216-226. Romero LM, Soma KK, O'Reilly KM, Suydam R & Wingfield JC (1998) Hormones
and territorial behavior during breeding in snow buntings (Plectrophenax
nivalis): an arctic-breeding songbird. Hormones and Behavior
33: 40-47. Romero LM, Soma KK & Wingfield JC (1998) Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis changes allow seasonal modulation of corticosterone in a bird. American Journal of Physiology 274: R1338-R1344. Romero LM, Soma KK & Wingfield JC (1998) Changes in pituitary and adrenal
sensitivities allow the snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis),
an Arctic-breeding songbird, to modulate corticosterone release seasonally.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 168: 353-358. Soma KK & Wingfield JC (1999) Endocrinology of aggression in the nonbreeding season. In: Adams N & Slotow R (eds), Proceedings of 22nd International Ornithological Congress Durban, University of Natal, pp 1606-1620. Soma KK, Hartman V, Wingfield JC & Brenowitz EA (1999) Seasonal changes
in androgen receptor immunoreactivity in the song nucleus HVc of a wild
bird. Journal of Comparative Neurology 409: 224-236. Soma KK, Bindra R, Gee J, Wingfield JC & Schlinger BA (1999) Androgen
metabolizing enzymes show region-specific changes across the breeding
season in the brain of a wild songbird. Journal of Neurobiology 41:
176-188. [cover photo] Soma KK, Sullivan KA & Wingfield JC (1999) Combined aromatase inhibitor
and antiandrogen treatment decreases territorial aggression in a wild
songbird during the nonbreeding season. General and Comparative Endocrinology
115: 442-453. Hau M, Wikelski M, Soma KK & Wingfield JC (2000) Testosterone and
year-round territorial aggression in a tropical bird. General and
Comparative Endocrinology 117: 20-33. Soma KK, Tramontin AD & Wingfield JC (2000) Oestrogen regulates male aggression in the non-breeding season. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 267: 1089-1096. Soma KK, Sullivan KA, Tramontin AD, Saldanha CJ, Schlinger BA & Wingfield JC (2000) Acute and chronic effects of an aromatase inhibitor on territorial aggression in breeding and nonbreeding male song sparrows. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 186: 759-769. [cover photo] Wingfield JC, Soma KK, Wikelski M, Meddle SL & Hau M (2001) Life cycles, behavioural traits, and endocrine mechanisms. In: Dawson A & Chaturvedi C (eds), Avian Endocrinology. New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing, pp 3-17. Soma KK & Wingfield JC (2001) Dehydroepiandrosterone in songbird plasma:
seasonal regulation and relationship to territorial aggression. General
and Comparative Endocrinology 123: 144-155. Wingfield JC, Lynn SE & Soma KK (2001) Avoiding the "costs" of testosterone:
ecological bases of hormone-behavior interactions. Brain, Behavior
and Evolution 57: 239-251. Schlinger BA, Soma KK & Saldanha CJ (2001) Advances in avian behavioral
endocrinology. Auk 118: 283-289. Schlinger BA, Soma KK & London SE (2001) Neurosteroids and brain sexual
differentiation. Trends in Neurosciences 24: 429-431. Lee DW, Smith GT, Tramontin AD, Soma KK, Brenowitz EA & Clayton NS
(2001) Hippocampal volume does not change seasonally in a non food-storing
songbird. Neuroreport 12: 1925-1928. Soma KK, Wissman AM, Brenowitz EA & Wingfield JC (2002) Dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) increases territorial song and the size of an associated brain
region in a male songbird. Hormones and Behavior 41: 203-212. Wingfield JC & Soma KK (2002) Spring and autumn territoriality: same behavior, different mechanisms? American Zoologist, in press. Lei FM, Thompson C, Qu YH & Soma KK (2002) Molt at high altitude: snow finches in the Tibetan plateau of China. Ibis, under review. Soma KK, Schlinger BA, Wingfield JC & Saldanha CJ (2002) Brain aromatase, 5a-reductase and 5b-reductase change seasonally in wild male song sparrows: relationship to territorial aggression. In preparation. Selected Published Abstracts: Soma KK, Freking FW & Schlinger BA (2001) Behavioral and neuroanatomical effects of neurosteroids in songbirds. Proceedings of the International Meeting on Steroids and Nervous System, Torino, Italy. Trabajos del Instituto Cajal, 128: 125-6. Soma KK, Schlinger BA, Wingfield JC & Saldanha CJ (2001) Brain aromatase activity and aggression are reduced in molting songbirds. Hormones and Behavior 39: 350-1. Hau M, Wingfield JC & Soma KK (2001) Hormonal control of year-round territorial aggression in male and female tropical birds. Hormones and Behavior 39: 333. Soma KK, Schlinger BA, Wingfield JC & Saldanha CJ (2001) Seasonal changes in aggression and brain aromatase. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27: 646.3. Richardson M, Moore IT, Soma KK, Lei FM & Wingfield JC (2002) Stress in an unpredictable environment: snow finches on the Tibetan plateau. Integrative and Comparative Biology 41: 563. Soma KK, Alday NA & Schlinger BA (2002) DHEA metabolism by 3b-HSD in songbird brain: sex and regional differences. Hormones and Behavior 41: 491. Soma KK, Alday NA & Schlinger BA (2002) 3b-HSD and aromatase in songbird brain: DHEA metabolism, aggression and song. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, in press. Images:
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